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Eddi & Cally's Rustic Chic Wedding

Wedding Planner: Evan Chee | Decorations: Precious Moments Wedding Services

Loving things natural, simple and unpretentious, Eddi and Cally both decided to plan a rustic-themed wedding. With simple flower arrangements and many DIY decorative props, the wedding celebration emulate the rustic vibe with a touch of romance, just perfect for an intimate ceremony they’ve hoped for.

Cally recalled fondly, “We have always dreamt of having a little country side of our own when we will retire. Having our wedding with a rustic-theme gave us the vision of how that life could be. Together with our wedding planner – Evan, and my best friend DIY’ed many decorative items. From our dessert table to the photos counter and dining table settings, every detail has our personal touch to it. It makes the process special and, needless to say, created a lot of sweet memories for us.”

Having chosen Gypsophila (or commonly known as baby’s-breath) as the only flower type, the Precious Moments decoration team had to pair the arrangement with other elements to create a wholesome and harmonious look. Along with the available items collected from an industrial area nearby such as wood wheels, pallet platforms and wooden furniture, the addition of vintage props and warm yellow lights has definitely created a comfortable and cosy ambience, further enhancing the feel and look the couple has aspired to achieve.

“If we were to give advice to any couple wanting a rustic-themed wedding, we would have to tell them to enjoy the organizational process. From what we have experienced, the journey of planning, preparing and creating is as rewarding as the actual ceremony.” The couple reminisced their days of preparing for the wedding while looking through the photos with a happy smile on their faces.

Afterthoughts from Precious Moments Team:
Working with creative couples is definitely fun and engaging. We need to make sure we keep up with their imagination and more importantly, able to fulfil their visions in a practical manner. Planning the wedding for Eddi and Cally was a joyous process and we managed to apply many of our DIY tricks and ideas onto the required props. Putting together many readily available items collected and other additions creatively has made the decorations unique and memorable.

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